How I built my own static CMS blog

2020-07-10 01:30   |   Tilak Sasmal

Building a CMS system was always on my TODO list and recently I decided to to a makeover of my portfolio site. I wanted my portfolio site to also host my blog but there are a few options for using GitHub pages as static CMS, so my options were either to use Jekyll or use any modern SPA framework.

Using Jekyll:


  • Static server-side rendered pages
  • Don't need any javascript to bind stuff
  • Easy and faster to iterate


  • Written in Ruby so I would need to install and setup ruby.
  • Limited Customisation

Using SPA frameworks like Vuepress or Next.js or Hugo


  • Awesome build tools and development flexibility
  • Customisation and extensibility


  • Complex project structure
  • Harder to set up an automated build system

I wanted to have a system which I could extend as and when required and also, easy to understand and customize. So finally, I decided why not build my own CMS system. It won't be shiny, flashy loaded with features. It would teach me a lot in terms of the blogging system and how it works.

I started with mimicking the structure and functionality of Jekyll using node. I have used YAML and liquidjs for composing my templates and HTML views. Then I scripted the data injection and composition logic for rendering the final output HTML files.

This is how my blog post template look like. In the top section of template i can have data elements which will be used by build script to render post Title, Image, Publish Date and post URL. We can have as many attributes as required. Also I can reference these attributes from the post content as well.

title: How I built my own static CMS blog
pubDate: 2020-07-10 01:30
Author: Tilak Sasmal

Building a CMS system was always on my TODO list and recently I 
decided to to a makeover of my portfolio site. I wanted my portfolio...

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